| | 1 | | using DCL; |
| | 2 | | using DCL.Builder; |
| | 3 | | using DCL.Builder.Manifest; |
| | 4 | | using DCL.Helpers; |
| | 5 | | using DCL.Interface; |
| | 6 | | using System; |
| | 7 | | using System.Collections; |
| | 8 | | using System.Linq; |
| | 9 | | using UnityEngine; |
| | 10 | | using Variables.RealmsInfo; |
| | 11 | | using Environment = DCL.Environment; |
| | 12 | | using Object = UnityEngine.Object; |
| | 13 | |
| | 14 | | public class BuilderMainPanelController : IHUD, IBuilderMainPanelController |
| | 15 | | { |
| | 16 | | private const string CREATING_PROJECT_ERROR = "Error creating a new project: "; |
| | 17 | | private const string OBTAIN_PROJECT_ERROR = "Error obtaining the project: "; |
| | 18 | | private const string TESTING_ETH_ADDRESS = "0xDc13378daFca7Fe2306368A16BCFac38c80BfCAD"; |
| | 19 | | private const string TESTING_TLD = "org"; |
| | 20 | | private const string VIEW_PREFAB_PATH = "BuilderProjectsPanel"; |
| | 21 | | private const string VIEW_PREFAB_PATH_DEV = "BuilderProjectsPanelDev"; |
| | 22 | |
| | 23 | | private const float CACHE_TIME_LAND = 5 * 60; |
| | 24 | | private const float CACHE_TIME_SCENES = 1 * 60; |
| | 25 | | private const float REFRESH_INTERVAL = 2 * 60; |
| | 26 | |
| | 27 | | internal IBuilderMainPanelView view; |
| | 28 | |
| | 29 | | private ISectionsController sectionsController; |
| | 30 | | private IProjectsController projectsController; |
| | 31 | | private IScenesViewController scenesViewController; |
| | 32 | | private ILandsController landsesController; |
| | 33 | | private UnpublishPopupController unpublishPopupController; |
| | 34 | |
| | 35 | | private INewProjectFlowController newProjectFlowController; |
| | 36 | |
| | 37 | | private SectionsHandler sectionsHandler; |
| | 38 | | private SceneContextMenuHandler sceneContextMenuHandler; |
| | 39 | | private LeftMenuHandler leftMenuHandler; |
| | 40 | | private LeftMenuSettingsViewHandler leftMenuSettingsViewHandler; |
| | 41 | |
| | 42 | | private ITheGraph theGraph; |
| | 43 | | private ICatalyst catalyst; |
| | 44 | |
| | 45 | | private bool isInitialized = false; |
| | 46 | | internal bool isFetchingLands = false; |
| | 47 | | internal bool isFetchingProjects = false; |
| | 48 | | private bool sendPlayerOpenPanelEvent = false; |
| | 49 | | private Coroutine fetchDataInterval; |
| | 50 | | private Promise<LandWithAccess[]> fetchLandPromise = null; |
| | 51 | | private Promise<ProjectData[]> fetchProjectsPromise = null; |
| | 52 | |
| | 53 | | public event Action OnJumpInOrEdit; |
| | 54 | |
| | 55 | | internal IContext context; |
| | 56 | |
| 51 | 57 | | BaseVariable<Transform> configureBuilderInFullscreenMenu => DataStore.i.exploreV2.configureBuilderInFullscreenMenu; |
| | 58 | |
| 17 | 59 | | public BuilderMainPanelController() |
| | 60 | | { |
| 17 | 61 | | if (DataStore.i.builderInWorld.isDevBuild.Get()) |
| 0 | 62 | | SetView(Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load<BuilderMainPanelView>(VIEW_PREFAB_PATH_DEV))); |
| | 63 | | else |
| 17 | 64 | | SetView(Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load<BuilderMainPanelView>(VIEW_PREFAB_PATH))); |
| | 65 | |
| 17 | 66 | | configureBuilderInFullscreenMenu.OnChange += ConfigureBuilderInFullscreenMenuChanged; |
| 17 | 67 | | ConfigureBuilderInFullscreenMenuChanged(configureBuilderInFullscreenMenu.Get(), null); |
| 17 | 68 | | } |
| | 69 | |
| | 70 | | internal void SetView(IBuilderMainPanelView view) |
| | 71 | | { |
| 17 | 72 | | this.view = view; |
| 17 | 73 | | view.OnClosePressed += OnClose; |
| 17 | 74 | | view.OnBackPressed += OnBack; |
| 17 | 75 | | } |
| | 76 | |
| | 77 | | private void OnBack() |
| | 78 | | { |
| 0 | 79 | | if (newProjectFlowController.IsActive()) |
| 0 | 80 | | newProjectFlowController.Hide(); |
| 0 | 81 | | } |
| | 82 | |
| | 83 | | public void Dispose() |
| | 84 | | { |
| 17 | 85 | | StopFetchInterval(); |
| | 86 | |
| 17 | 87 | | sectionsController.OnRequestOpenUrl -= OpenUrl; |
| 17 | 88 | | sectionsController.OnRequestGoToCoords -= GoToCoords; |
| 17 | 89 | | sectionsController.OnRequestEditSceneAtCoords -= OnGoToEditScene; |
| 17 | 90 | | sectionsController.OnCreateProjectRequest -= newProjectFlowController.NewProject; |
| | 91 | |
| 17 | 92 | | scenesViewController.OnJumpInPressed -= GoToCoords; |
| 17 | 93 | | scenesViewController.OnRequestOpenUrl -= OpenUrl; |
| 17 | 94 | | scenesViewController.OnEditorPressed -= OnGoToEditScene; |
| 17 | 95 | | projectsController.OnEditorPressed -= GetManifestToEdit; |
| | 96 | |
| 17 | 97 | | newProjectFlowController.OnNewProjectCrated -= CreateNewProject; |
| | 98 | |
| 17 | 99 | | view.OnCreateProjectPressed -= newProjectFlowController.NewProject; |
| | 100 | |
| 17 | 101 | | DataStore.i.HUDs.builderProjectsPanelVisible.OnChange -= OnVisibilityChanged; |
| 17 | 102 | | DataStore.i.builderInWorld.unpublishSceneResult.OnChange -= OnSceneUnpublished; |
| 17 | 103 | | view.OnClosePressed -= OnClose; |
| 17 | 104 | | view.OnBackPressed -= OnBack; |
| | 105 | |
| 17 | 106 | | unpublishPopupController?.Dispose(); |
| | 107 | |
| 17 | 108 | | fetchLandPromise?.Dispose(); |
| 17 | 109 | | fetchProjectsPromise?.Dispose(); |
| | 110 | |
| 17 | 111 | | leftMenuSettingsViewHandler?.Dispose(); |
| 17 | 112 | | sectionsHandler?.Dispose(); |
| 17 | 113 | | sceneContextMenuHandler?.Dispose(); |
| 17 | 114 | | leftMenuHandler?.Dispose(); |
| | 115 | |
| 17 | 116 | | sectionsController?.Dispose(); |
| 17 | 117 | | scenesViewController?.Dispose(); |
| | 118 | |
| 17 | 119 | | newProjectFlowController?.Dispose(); |
| | 120 | |
| 17 | 121 | | configureBuilderInFullscreenMenu.OnChange -= ConfigureBuilderInFullscreenMenuChanged; |
| | 122 | |
| 17 | 123 | | view.Dispose(); |
| 17 | 124 | | } |
| | 125 | |
| | 126 | | public void Initialize(IContext context) |
| | 127 | | { |
| 0 | 128 | | this.context = context; |
| 0 | 129 | | Initialize(new SectionsController(view.GetSectionContainer()), |
| | 130 | | new ScenesViewController(view.GetSceneCardViewPrefab(), view.GetTransform()), |
| | 131 | | new LandsController(), |
| | 132 | | new ProjectsController(view.GetProjectCardView(), view.GetTransform()), |
| | 133 | | new NewProjectFlowController(), |
| | 134 | | Environment.i.platform.serviceProviders.theGraph, |
| | 135 | | Environment.i.platform.serviceProviders.catalyst); |
| 0 | 136 | | } |
| | 137 | |
| | 138 | | internal void Initialize(ISectionsController sectionsController, |
| | 139 | | IScenesViewController scenesViewController, ILandsController landsesController, IProjectsController projectsCont |
| | 140 | | { |
| 17 | 141 | | if (isInitialized) |
| 0 | 142 | | return; |
| | 143 | |
| 17 | 144 | | isInitialized = true; |
| | 145 | |
| 17 | 146 | | this.sectionsController = sectionsController; |
| 17 | 147 | | this.scenesViewController = scenesViewController; |
| 17 | 148 | | this.landsesController = landsesController; |
| 17 | 149 | | this.projectsController = projectsController; |
| | 150 | |
| 17 | 151 | | this.newProjectFlowController = newProjectFlowController; |
| | 152 | |
| 17 | 153 | | this.theGraph = theGraph; |
| 17 | 154 | | this.catalyst = catalyst; |
| | 155 | |
| 17 | 156 | | this.unpublishPopupController = new UnpublishPopupController(view.GetUnpublishPopup()); |
| | 157 | |
| | 158 | | // set listeners for sections, setup searchbar for section, handle request for opening a new section |
| 17 | 159 | | sectionsHandler = new SectionsHandler(sectionsController, scenesViewController, landsesController, projectsContr |
| | 160 | | // handle if main panel or settings panel should be shown in current section |
| 17 | 161 | | leftMenuHandler = new LeftMenuHandler(view, sectionsController); |
| | 162 | | // handle project scene info on the left menu panel |
| 17 | 163 | | leftMenuSettingsViewHandler = new LeftMenuSettingsViewHandler(view.GetSettingsViewReferences(), scenesViewContro |
| | 164 | | // handle scene's context menu options |
| 17 | 165 | | sceneContextMenuHandler = new SceneContextMenuHandler(view.GetSceneCardViewContextMenu(), sectionsController, sc |
| | 166 | |
| 17 | 167 | | SetView(); |
| | 168 | |
| 17 | 169 | | sectionsController.OnRequestOpenUrl += OpenUrl; |
| 17 | 170 | | sectionsController.OnRequestGoToCoords += GoToCoords; |
| 17 | 171 | | sectionsController.OnRequestEditSceneAtCoords += OnGoToEditScene; |
| 17 | 172 | | sectionsController.OnCreateProjectRequest += newProjectFlowController.NewProject; |
| | 173 | |
| 17 | 174 | | scenesViewController.OnJumpInPressed += GoToCoords; |
| 17 | 175 | | scenesViewController.OnRequestOpenUrl += OpenUrl; |
| 17 | 176 | | scenesViewController.OnEditorPressed += OnGoToEditScene; |
| 17 | 177 | | newProjectFlowController.OnNewProjectCrated += CreateNewProject; |
| | 178 | |
| 17 | 179 | | view.OnCreateProjectPressed += this.newProjectFlowController.NewProject; |
| 17 | 180 | | this.projectsController.OnEditorPressed += GetManifestToEdit; |
| | 181 | |
| 17 | 182 | | DataStore.i.HUDs.builderProjectsPanelVisible.OnChange += OnVisibilityChanged; |
| 17 | 183 | | DataStore.i.builderInWorld.unpublishSceneResult.OnChange += OnSceneUnpublished; |
| 17 | 184 | | } |
| | 185 | |
| | 186 | | private void GetManifestToEdit(ProjectData data) |
| | 187 | | { |
| 0 | 188 | | Promise<Manifest> manifestPromise = context.builderAPIController.GetManifestById(data.id); |
| 0 | 189 | | manifestPromise.Then( OpenEditorFromManifest); |
| | 190 | |
| 0 | 191 | | manifestPromise.Catch( errorString => |
| | 192 | | { |
| 0 | 193 | | BIWUtils.ShowGenericNotification(OBTAIN_PROJECT_ERROR + errorString); |
| 0 | 194 | | }); |
| 0 | 195 | | } |
| | 196 | |
| | 197 | | private void CreateNewProject(ProjectData project) |
| | 198 | | { |
| 0 | 199 | | Promise<Manifest> projectPromise = context.builderAPIController.CreateNewProject(project); |
| | 200 | |
| 0 | 201 | | projectPromise.Then( OpenEditorFromManifest); |
| | 202 | |
| 0 | 203 | | projectPromise.Catch( errorString => |
| | 204 | | { |
| 0 | 205 | | BIWUtils.ShowGenericNotification(CREATING_PROJECT_ERROR + errorString); |
| 0 | 206 | | }); |
| 0 | 207 | | } |
| | 208 | |
| 0 | 209 | | private void OpenEditorFromManifest(Manifest manifest) { context.sceneManager.StartEditorFromManifest(manifest); } |
| | 210 | |
| 14 | 211 | | public void SetVisibility(bool visible) { DataStore.i.HUDs.builderProjectsPanelVisible.Set(visible); } |
| | 212 | |
| | 213 | | private void OnVisibilityChanged(bool isVisible, bool prev) |
| | 214 | | { |
| 7 | 215 | | if (isVisible == prev) |
| 0 | 216 | | return; |
| | 217 | |
| 7 | 218 | | view.SetVisible(isVisible); |
| | 219 | |
| 7 | 220 | | if (isVisible) |
| | 221 | | { |
| 4 | 222 | | if (DataStore.i.builderInWorld.landsWithAccess.Get() != null) |
| 4 | 223 | | PanelOpenEvent(DataStore.i.builderInWorld.landsWithAccess.Get()); |
| | 224 | | else |
| 0 | 225 | | sendPlayerOpenPanelEvent = true; |
| | 226 | |
| 4 | 227 | | FetchPanelInfo(); |
| 4 | 228 | | StartFetchInterval(); |
| 4 | 229 | | if (DataStore.i.builderInWorld.isDevBuild.Get()) |
| 0 | 230 | | sectionsController.OpenSection(SectionId.PROJECTS); |
| | 231 | | else |
| 4 | 232 | | sectionsController.OpenSection(SectionId.SCENES); |
| 4 | 233 | | } |
| | 234 | | else |
| | 235 | | { |
| 3 | 236 | | StopFetchInterval(); |
| | 237 | | } |
| 3 | 238 | | } |
| | 239 | |
| | 240 | | private void OnClose() |
| | 241 | | { |
| 1 | 242 | | if (!view.IsVisible()) |
| 0 | 243 | | return; |
| | 244 | |
| 1 | 245 | | SetVisibility(false); |
| | 246 | |
| 1 | 247 | | LandWithAccess[] lands = landsesController.GetLands(); |
| 1 | 248 | | if (lands != null) |
| | 249 | | { |
| 1 | 250 | | Vector2Int totalLands = GetAmountOfLandsOwnedAndOperator(lands); |
| 1 | 251 | | BIWAnalytics.PlayerClosesPanel(totalLands.x, totalLands.y); |
| | 252 | | } |
| 1 | 253 | | } |
| | 254 | |
| | 255 | | private void PanelOpenEvent(LandWithAccess[] lands) |
| | 256 | | { |
| 4 | 257 | | Vector2Int totalLands = GetAmountOfLandsOwnedAndOperator(lands); |
| 4 | 258 | | BIWAnalytics.PlayerOpenPanel(totalLands.x, totalLands.y); |
| 4 | 259 | | } |
| | 260 | |
| | 261 | | /// <summary> |
| | 262 | | /// This counts the amount of lands that the user own and the amount of lands that the user operate |
| | 263 | | /// </summary> |
| | 264 | | /// <param name="lands"></param> |
| | 265 | | /// <returns>Vector2: X = amount of owned lands, Y = amount of operator lands</returns> |
| | 266 | | private Vector2Int GetAmountOfLandsOwnedAndOperator(LandWithAccess[] lands) |
| | 267 | | { |
| 5 | 268 | | int ownedLandsCount = 0; |
| 5 | 269 | | int operatorLandsCount = 0; |
| 18 | 270 | | foreach (var land in lands) |
| | 271 | | { |
| 4 | 272 | | if (land.role == LandRole.OWNER) |
| 4 | 273 | | ownedLandsCount++; |
| | 274 | | else |
| 0 | 275 | | operatorLandsCount++; |
| | 276 | | } |
| | 277 | |
| 5 | 278 | | return new Vector2Int(ownedLandsCount, operatorLandsCount); |
| | 279 | | } |
| | 280 | |
| | 281 | | private void SetView() |
| | 282 | | { |
| 17 | 283 | | scenesViewController.AddListener((ISceneListener) view); |
| 17 | 284 | | projectsController.AddListener((IProjectsListener) view); |
| 17 | 285 | | } |
| | 286 | |
| | 287 | | private void FetchPanelInfo(float landCacheTime = CACHE_TIME_LAND, float scenesCacheTime = CACHE_TIME_SCENES) |
| | 288 | | { |
| 4 | 289 | | if (isFetchingLands || isFetchingProjects) |
| 0 | 290 | | return; |
| | 291 | |
| 4 | 292 | | isFetchingLands = true; |
| 4 | 293 | | isFetchingProjects = true; |
| | 294 | |
| 4 | 295 | | var address = UserProfile.GetOwnUserProfile().ethAddress; |
| 4 | 296 | | var network = KernelConfig.i.Get().network; |
| | 297 | |
| | 298 | | #if UNITY_EDITOR |
| | 299 | | // NOTE: to be able to test in editor without getting a profile we hardcode an address here |
| 4 | 300 | | if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address)) |
| | 301 | | { |
| 0 | 302 | | address = TESTING_ETH_ADDRESS; |
| 0 | 303 | | network = TESTING_TLD; |
| 0 | 304 | | DataStore.i.realm.playerRealm.Set(new CurrentRealmModel() |
| | 305 | | { |
| | 306 | | domain = $"https://peer-lb.decentraland.{TESTING_TLD}", |
| | 307 | | contentServerUrl = $"https://peer-lb.decentraland.{TESTING_TLD}/content", |
| | 308 | | }); |
| | 309 | | } |
| | 310 | | #endif |
| | 311 | |
| 4 | 312 | | sectionsController.SetFetchingDataStart(); |
| | 313 | |
| 4 | 314 | | fetchLandPromise = DeployedScenesFetcher.FetchLandsFromOwner(catalyst, theGraph, address, network, landCacheTime |
| 4 | 315 | | fetchLandPromise |
| | 316 | | .Then(LandsFetched) |
| | 317 | | .Catch(LandsFetchedError); |
| | 318 | |
| 4 | 319 | | if (!DataStore.i.builderInWorld.isDevBuild.Get()) |
| 4 | 320 | | return; |
| 0 | 321 | | fetchProjectsPromise = BuilderPanelDataFetcher.FetchProjectData(context.builderAPIController); |
| 0 | 322 | | fetchProjectsPromise |
| | 323 | | .Then(ProjectsFetched) |
| | 324 | | .Catch(ProjectsFetchedError); |
| 0 | 325 | | } |
| | 326 | |
| | 327 | | internal void ProjectsFetched(ProjectData[] data) |
| | 328 | | { |
| 1 | 329 | | DataStore.i.builderInWorld.projectData.Set(data); |
| 1 | 330 | | isFetchingProjects = false; |
| 1 | 331 | | projectsController.SetProjects(data); |
| 1 | 332 | | UpdateProjectsDeploymentStatus(); |
| 1 | 333 | | } |
| | 334 | |
| | 335 | | internal void ProjectsFetchedError(string error) |
| | 336 | | { |
| 1 | 337 | | isFetchingProjects = false; |
| 1 | 338 | | sectionsController.SetFetchingDataEnd<SectionProjectController>(); |
| 1 | 339 | | projectsController.SetProjects(new ProjectData[] { }); |
| 1 | 340 | | BIWUtils.ShowGenericNotification(error); |
| 1 | 341 | | } |
| | 342 | |
| | 343 | | private void UpdateProjectsDeploymentStatus() |
| | 344 | | { |
| 2 | 345 | | if (isFetchingLands || isFetchingProjects) |
| 0 | 346 | | return; |
| | 347 | |
| 2 | 348 | | projectsController.UpdateDeploymentStatus(); |
| 2 | 349 | | } |
| | 350 | |
| | 351 | | internal void LandsFetchedError(string error) |
| | 352 | | { |
| 1 | 353 | | isFetchingLands = false; |
| 1 | 354 | | sectionsController.SetFetchingDataEnd<SectionLandController>(); |
| 1 | 355 | | sectionsController.SetFetchingDataEnd<SectionScenesController>(); |
| 1 | 356 | | landsesController.SetLands(new LandWithAccess[] { }); |
| 1 | 357 | | scenesViewController.SetScenes(new ISceneData[] { }); |
| 1 | 358 | | Debug.LogError(error); |
| 1 | 359 | | } |
| | 360 | |
| | 361 | | internal void LandsFetched(LandWithAccess[] lands) |
| | 362 | | { |
| 1 | 363 | | DataStore.i.builderInWorld.landsWithAccess.Set(lands.ToArray(), true); |
| 1 | 364 | | sectionsController.SetFetchingDataEnd<SectionLandController>(); |
| 1 | 365 | | isFetchingLands = false; |
| 1 | 366 | | UpdateProjectsDeploymentStatus(); |
| | 367 | |
| | 368 | | try |
| | 369 | | { |
| 2 | 370 | | ISceneData[] places = lands.Where(land => land.scenes != null && land.scenes.Count > 0) |
| 2 | 371 | | .Select(land => land.scenes.Where(scene => !scene.isEmpty).Select(scene => (ISceneData)new SceneData(sce |
| 0 | 372 | | .Aggregate((i, j) => i.Concat(j)) |
| | 373 | | .ToArray(); |
| | 374 | |
| 0 | 375 | | if (sendPlayerOpenPanelEvent) |
| 0 | 376 | | PanelOpenEvent(lands); |
| 0 | 377 | | landsesController.SetLands(lands); |
| 0 | 378 | | scenesViewController.SetScenes(places); |
| 0 | 379 | | } |
| 1 | 380 | | catch (Exception e) |
| | 381 | | { |
| 1 | 382 | | landsesController.SetLands(lands); |
| 1 | 383 | | scenesViewController.SetScenes(new ISceneData[] { }); |
| 1 | 384 | | } |
| 1 | 385 | | } |
| | 386 | |
| | 387 | | internal void GoToCoords(Vector2Int coords) |
| | 388 | | { |
| 1 | 389 | | WebInterface.GoTo(coords.x, coords.y); |
| 1 | 390 | | SetVisibility(false); |
| 1 | 391 | | OnJumpInOrEdit?.Invoke(); |
| 1 | 392 | | } |
| | 393 | |
| 0 | 394 | | private void OpenUrl(string url) { WebInterface.OpenURL(url); } |
| | 395 | |
| | 396 | | internal void OnGoToEditScene(Vector2Int coords) |
| | 397 | | { |
| 1 | 398 | | bool isGoingToTeleport = BIWTeleportAndEdit.TeleportAndEdit(coords); |
| 1 | 399 | | if (isGoingToTeleport) |
| | 400 | | { |
| 1 | 401 | | SetVisibility(false); |
| | 402 | | } |
| | 403 | |
| 1 | 404 | | OnJumpInOrEdit?.Invoke(); |
| 1 | 405 | | } |
| | 406 | |
| | 407 | | private void StartFetchInterval() |
| | 408 | | { |
| 4 | 409 | | if (fetchDataInterval != null) |
| | 410 | | { |
| 0 | 411 | | StopFetchInterval(); |
| | 412 | | } |
| | 413 | |
| 4 | 414 | | fetchDataInterval = CoroutineStarter.Start(RefreshDataInterval()); |
| 4 | 415 | | } |
| | 416 | |
| | 417 | | private void StopFetchInterval() |
| | 418 | | { |
| 20 | 419 | | CoroutineStarter.Stop(fetchDataInterval); |
| 20 | 420 | | fetchDataInterval = null; |
| 20 | 421 | | } |
| | 422 | |
| | 423 | | IEnumerator RefreshDataInterval() |
| | 424 | | { |
| 0 | 425 | | while (true) |
| | 426 | | { |
| 4 | 427 | | yield return WaitForSecondsCache.Get(REFRESH_INTERVAL); |
| 0 | 428 | | FetchPanelInfo(); |
| | 429 | | } |
| | 430 | | } |
| | 431 | |
| | 432 | | private void OnSceneUnpublished(PublishSceneResultPayload current, PublishSceneResultPayload previous) |
| | 433 | | { |
| 0 | 434 | | if (current.ok) |
| | 435 | | { |
| 0 | 436 | | FetchPanelInfo(CACHE_TIME_LAND, 0); |
| | 437 | | } |
| 0 | 438 | | } |
| | 439 | |
| 34 | 440 | | private void ConfigureBuilderInFullscreenMenuChanged(Transform currentParentTransform, Transform previousParentTrans |
| | 441 | | } |